February 20, 2005

Just Because

Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize what a gem you are... doesn't mean you shine any less!
Just because no one has been smart enough to figure out that you can't be topped... doesn't stop you from being the best!
Just because the right person hasn't come along to share your life... doesn't mean that day isn't coming!
Just because no one has made this race seem worth while... doesn't mean you should stop running!
Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level... doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.
Just because you deserve the very best there is... doesn't mean that life is always fair.
Just because you haven't yet found your king, or queendoesn't mean that you're not already a queen or a king.
Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now... doesn't mean you need to change a thing!
Keep shining, keep running,
Keep hoping, keep praying,
Keep being exactly what you are already...


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